Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Balancing Productivity, Motivation, and Genius

Reggie Watts is amazing. I'm pretty sure this (and most of  his other songs I've found on youtube) is just from the top of his head, all the way down to the beat - he just uses a loop pedal for the music part of the song and lets the words freely flow out of his mouth.  And it's so awesome. And deep. How does he just come up with an entire song like that?

"On none other than the BBC News:  It's not exactly what you'd expect, but it's everybody that you've known.   Over the past 10 years, it's been said that the Kuala Lumpur officials will not know if the twin towers will reactivate after the devastating tsunami, but these are things that we should always be considered to be a part of whether we realize it or not.  Another story today is a story about someone else, somewhere else, in another place, under different circumstances.  Stay tuned for that.  And also, be caureful, because if you're not, someone won't be - and then things will happen.  Accidents are much, much worse when they happen... to you." ~Reggie Watts "Sugar Got it Going On" (10:02)
There's a theory that life is best when it's free-flowing like this; schedules and routines just detract from your happiness potential. Want to do something? Stop thinking about it and just get out and do it.

I first read and seriously thought about this theory a few years ago reading Zen Habits. Leo, the writer at Zen habits, said, "Let’s create a new creed: Simplicity, purpose, focus, silence, and joy. Let’s make beautiful and useful things, and love doing it."

I love that theory; however, I'm having a hell of a time putting it into practice. Maybe it's my personality, maybe it's because I have kids and a family to worry about.... maybe it's not a one-size fits all idea (do those even exist??). Who knows.

I've been catching up on reading Everett Bogue's blog(s). I have to read some of his older posts in my e-mail inbox because he deleted his site. I've since found that he does have archives, though. He seems to be really into deleting stuff lately, ha. That's another idea I love, but I'm not quite brave enough for that one yet.

Anyway, he's the one who brought to my attention the way Farenheit 451 was written. Short, free-flowing bursts. Here's what Ev said:

"In Ray Bradbury’s Zen and the Art of Writing, he tells the story about how he wrote Fahrenheit 451. He’d been unable to get any writing done at his home, because he had a few young children who wouldn’t stop screaming. So, he went to the library to write. The library had typewriters that let you write for 10 minutes when you put in a dime. Ray was struggling with the money at the time, and had to feed his family, so he didn’t have many dimes. He’d pop in the dime and then frantically type for 10 minutes. In-between, he’d walk around the library."
Seems kind of like a combination uber productivity and free-flowing goodness. No well-thought outlines, no extensive editing; however, a very rigid 10 minute window to work with.

Moderating yourself is considerably harder than a program or librarian doing it for you though, which is why I've had a difficult time with schedules in the past. That, and, once I miss a couple things on my schedule, I tend to just throw the whole thing out because any motivation I may have had is lost.

But, I've fallen so far behind on so many things that I think I'm going to have to make a schedule to make a dent. I wish I could just delete all that stuff... I suppose I could. But they are for my family.  I wonder how often I use my family as an excuse? It's hard to say, and it's hard to say how valid that excuse is - i.e. Do I really need to save every photo I've ever taken of my kids? Sure, there's no way I can tell what they'd like 10, 20, 30 years from now. But are they really going to want to go through the millions (surely by that point) of photos?

Maybe making a schedule is just a sneaky way of my ego making a list of all the crap that stresses me out. (Nebberz HATES those lists.) But maybe I process stuff things easier and faster when I have a visual representation...

How do you normally get things done - do you need to have habits and schedules? What about the greatest thing you've ever accomplished - were there rigid parameters or were you just able to tap into the flow?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why feeling shitty is a good thing...

You may have noticed lack of updates here - or perhaps I'm only now bringing it to your attention. In any case, my latest post on Technicolor Typecast may serve to explain my absence. Or it could just make no sense.

Jam-packed into the latest post:

  • A poem about killing things
  • An underground (?), intelligent hip-hop video from Atmosphere
  • A video from Alan Watts and the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone
  • A TED talk from Amsterdam
  • Buddhist philosophy
  • A Jewish proverb type thingy
  • Probably other philosophical underpinnings
  • How to perceive beauty when everything seems ugly
It's all over on TechnicolorTypecast.tk. Someday I will merge these blogs and get rid of the "daily" idea,  replacing it all with 2-3 posts a week about a whole host of topics I enjoy. =D 

Hawk Roosting

One of my favorite poems - by Ted Hughes:

Hawk Roosting 
I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed.
Inaction, no falsifying dream
Between my hooked head and hooked feet:
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.
The convenience of the high trees!
The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray
Are of advantage to me;
And the earth's face upward for my inspection.
My feet are locked upon the rough bark.
It took the whole of Creation
To produce my foot, my each feather:
Now I hold Creation in my foot
Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly -
I kill where I please because it is all mine.
There is no sophistry in my body:
My manners are tearing off heads -
The allotment of death.
For the one path of my flight is direct
Through the bones of the living.
No arguments assert my right:
The sun is behind me.
Nothing has changed since I began.
My eye has permitted no change.
I am going to keep things like this.

I've felt kinda shitty for the last few weeks, which has partially contributed to my lack of uploadage. I feel bad, because I have my other "daily" blog which has been updated far less than "daily," and I haven't had the time to appreciate my dear readers - read their blogs, etc... Ah, more and more things for me to feel bad about!

But I'm sick of feeling shitty. So I thought I'd write a post about neutralizing it.

What do I mean by "shitty?"
  • Suddenly having a ton of stuff to complain about
  • Lack of energy
  • Feeling burdened and overwhelmed with things to do
  • Feeling like things that suck are "all my fault"
  • Wishing I was someone else, or prettier, or skinnier, or smarter, or more confident (insert other "not enough" remarks here)
  • I'm certain there are many, many - even endless - other ways for us to feel "shitty" 
Now where are all these things stemming from? Me. I am in control of myself, and I allowed myself to experience every one of these feelings. None of it is the fault of anything in the external world. Many people have the "anything but me" mentality (see video below), but I think this is flawed. The way to happiness is to recognize that you are in control of yourself.

Atmosphere- "Scapegoat"

Now, to blame yourself for these awful feelings, I believe, is incorrect. "If I wasn't so stupid, I'd just be able to stop feeling like this." That's blaming yourself. But, to realize you are in control is to realize your intelligence and the intelligence of everything around you: "I'm happy to experience this suffering, because without it, I would never know true happiness."  You need to know the light to understand the dark and vice versa. Not to mention that life would be pretty boring if it was just one long stretch of perfect happiness with nothing to overcome.

Then there's an argument: Where's the line? Should people be tortured in order to be happier? Should we increase negative behavior so that someday our positive experiences will be EVEN MORE fulfilling? No, that's ridiculous. In my opinion, there's a constant calibration of  positivity and negativity:  Out of good things comes good things; however, the same amount of bad is there as well.

  • A delicious plate of brownies = Suffering for the slaves harvesting the cocoa for your chocolate
  • Having a few cool, refreshing beers on the weekends = Liver Damage
  • This video:

Alan Watts - "Prickles and Goo" - Produced by South Park creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker

However, I also believe that if you try to spread (not force, but share) goodness and happiness and health, it will allow you to better perceive your own goodness, happiness, and health. If you are judgmental of others, you will more easily see your own perceived faults.

It all just depends on where you have decided to put your focus.

Here's a quote to illustrate putting things into perspective, and I also feel as if today's TED Talk is highly relevant:

"I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes
Until I met a man who had no feet."

Rogier van der Heide - "Why Light Needs Darkness" - TEDxAmsterdam

I'm thankful for days like this, when I can really appreciate and relate to "Hawk Roosting" and see the world through a different shade of lens. Everything isn't always bright and happy, and that, my friends, is the beauty of life: the true range and diversity of experiences there are to be had.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Perfect Body

Am I the only one who finds these amazing??

These are from a photo shoot entitled "The Athlete" by Howard Schartz and Beverly Ornstein (from here, here, and perhaps originally here).  It's just a bunch of Olympic athletes posing - a GREAT reminder that you don't have to look like brats from Laguna Beach or whatever it is you kids are watching these days.

The people pictured here are in tip-top shape - some of the best athletes of the world. And they don't all have washboard abs! (Click on the pictures to enlarge.)

Do you work out or play sports? What do you do to stay healthy?

We have a membership to The Y, but it's hard to find the time to go work out. Last time I tried to run on the track I got hives. =(  I don't think I'm terribly unhealthy, but I certainly need to work on my strength and endurance!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Do Pets Sense Danger?

a lost kitty from the tsunami the other day. =(  I hope that kitty made it through

Did this cat know the tsunami in Japan was coming? It's long been said that animals sense danger before humans are aware of it. He definitely could have seen it coming, according to this National Geographic article; however, no studies (as of back in 2005) have proven animals actually have this sixth sense:

"One of the world's most earthquake-prone countries is Japan, where devastation has taken countless lives and caused enormous damage to property. Researchers there have long studied animals in hopes of discovering what they hear or feel before the earth shakes. They hope that animals may be used as a prediction tool. 
Some U.S. seismologists, on the other hand, are skeptical. There have been documented cases of strange animal behavior prior to earthquakes. But the United States Geological Survey, a government agency that provides scientific information about the Earth, says a reproducible connection between a specific behavior and the occurrence of a quake has never been made."
In this amazing video of the ground moving in Chiba City, Japan on March 11, 2011, you can hear a dog freaking out at the beginning. I wonder if the dog knew something was going to happen before the quake hit? The rest of the video is eerily quiet, however...

Animals may not only sense physical danger to themselves, but also illness or impending death of their beloved humans. The BBC reported in 2007 that a cat had "predicted the deaths of 25 residents in a nursing home in the U.S." The cat, not normally very friendly, would cuddle up next to patients who were soon to pass. The same article mentions dogs detecting breast cancer before anyone else knew about it. Also - and I didn't know this - some "support dogs" have been trained as "seizure alert" dogs to accompany epileptics.

The other day, our 11-month-old had a fever of at least 103 degrees. While we were pondering whether or not to take him to the emergency room (it was 10:00 at night, so doctor's offices or urgent care centers weren't open), one of our cats gently laid down next to him and put a paw on his chest with a concerned look.  I had heard about animals sensing impending doom... so off the the ER we went. Our baby is doing a lot better now, thankfully, with no more scary-high fevers.

kitty and baby bonding a few months ago =)

I'm not sure if I can end without showing this sad video of a cat performing chest compressions on his kitty friend. I wonder if he is acutely aware of his friend's heartbeat (or lack thereof)...

Have any of your pets ever alerted you of danger or illness?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

As Cold as it Gets, We'll Keep Your Winter Afloat

Here are a couple of videos for your viewing pleasure today.

I've been in the mood for Sage Francis lately... Normally I like to listen to things that make me feel a little happier to be alive, but when I'm frustrated, stuff like this feels good. Only had this DangerDoom CD in the car, though:

Sage Francis kind of reminds me of a vulgar Mitch Hedberg in this track. The best part, though, is this quote: "Fuck a fickle fanbase/stuck a middle finger in their damn face/Does the pinnacle of my hand taste/dirty like the suggested gesture?" It reminded me of you guys. <3

"Garden Gnomes" Danger Mouse & Sage Francis

Then I have this one, featuring Brother Ali and Slug: "Together at last! Like cocks and cunts!"
"Doomage" Non-Prophets w/ Brother Ali and Slug - Produced by MF Doom

I have a certain affinity for Slug (from Atmosphere), because wayy back before I even knew there was all this AWESOME underground Hip Hop music (like, 10 effin years ago already), I happened upon a lucky track that helped me through some tough times. Although I'm not like a Slug groupie or anything, I think his music's alright. This song is like part of my DNA or something, though.

BONUS VIDEO: "Modern Man's Hustle" Atmosphere

That was an especially great live performance - definitely worth posting - from back in the early days.


Epic content shall resume in a week or two - until our baby recovers from the stupid faggot ear infection for which we are giving stupid faggot antibiotics which are causing EXTREMELY stupid faggot diaper rashes. So hooray, instead of writing, I get to wash cloth diapers and clothes covered with pink medicine, because our son doesn't want to swallow faggot antibiotics. -_-

Friday, March 11, 2011

12 Most Amazing Websites I've Used (in my opinion)

Nebberz here again with my 2nd post! Last time I focused on Ninite which is one of my favorite websites, this time I will take a more general look at some of the best websites I've come across.

Reddit - www.reddit.com

User-submitted news. Users vote for front page stories.

AlternativeTo - www.alternativeto.net

Easily find alternatives to software you use. Users submit and vote on the best alternatives.

File Hippo - www.filehippo.com

Quality freeware/shareware. Very simple interface. They also include older versions of software.

Slickdeals - www.slickdeals.net

Community working together to find deals and bargains.

Ninite - www.ninite.com

One download = Fully automated installation of multiple apps of your choosing. No toolbars allowed! Extremely simple.

Newgrounds - www.newgrounds.com

User-generated flash videos/games. Users vote for the top stuff.

Crucial System Scanner - www.crucial.com/systemscanner

Quickly find out what type of RAM your computer has/needs. Upgrades made easy!

Earth Clinic - www.earthclinic.com

Users vote with "yeas" and "nays" for common remedies. Worked for me a number of times!

Monoprice - www.monoprice.com

Why pay $30-$50 for cables when it could instead be $0.30 - $0.50 for the same quality? No, really. Why would you do that?

Aviary - www.aviary.com

Image editor, music creator, effects editor, vector editor all from within your browser!

Snopes - www.snopes.com

Easily research the latest misinformation, myths and hoaxes making the internet rounds.

Stumbleupon - www.stumbleupon.com

Find websites based on your preferences and interests.

This list ignored the too-obvious or those I felt were not living up to their full potential. For example: Amazon, Google, Ebay, Craigslist, Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Last.fm, Paypal, and the whole blogosphere.

Do you have websites that have transformed your life or how you use the internet?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Strange Things

I just asked Nebberz, "I wonder how many times of me hitting you it would take before you cried."

I'm against the overuse of antibiotics, but our family has had antibiotics twice in the past 6 months.

Similarly, I did a report the other day where a kid was run over by a car. He belonged to a family of Jehovah's witnesses, who are adamantly against blood transfusions for religious purposes; however, when the doctors said this elementary school kid needed a blood transfusion to live, the family immediately agreed to it. Wonder how that makes their religiousness feel, and how he will feel growing up (if he did, indeed, survive).

I got a message on Facebook after posting a link to my last post here entitled "Flirting from your comment," quoting what I had said about the post,"I was in a blasphemous mood tonight, please forgive me if it offends you =D" that goes on to say, "Apology accepted, but to be frank, young lady, it made me hawt! LOL"

That's enough strangeness... I'm going to go make (and eat) some raw (eggless) cookie dough...
(image from adashofcompassion.com)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Who tha fuck is Mike Dahlquist?

First, a word:


And now I would like to say, before I begin the post "for realz, yo:"  Fuck you comment system. Fuck you and your html shit. Don't you mock my lack of coding knowledge. HA. I fucking fixed you now. Stupid ass comment system shit.

(Let me know if my blog is looking retarded, I may have messed the coding up a little bit. ^_~)

Who. The fuck.  Is Mike Dahlquist?

MikeDiva a.k.a. Mike Dahlquist

I don't know. Somebody tell me, please.

I mean, I've been aware of his existence in the world for a while now, ever since back when he made a video for Mindless Self-Indugence's "Straight To Video" contest...

He calls himself MikeDiva on youtube, and I noticed he's in a band that's really similar to MSI. At least they are similar on my first impression. And, I mean, that's good... but I'm not really interested in listening to someone who sounds just like MSI when MSI already exists for when I want to hear something like MSI.

Are you following me?

And then I noticed when he made this video, which was really funny before he had to switch the audio tracks because of *copyright violation*. It's actually still interesting with the royalty-free song that he picked.

Well, it may have been funny, or maybe I just have a memory of it being awesome because of boobs.

Mr. Diva said, "EDIT: Jewtube took this video down because it used the song "Fergalicious", Videos of little girls singing this song in their bedrooms are okay, but apparently puppies and singing heads on breasts aren't.. Sooo I had to swap it with one of Youtube's shitty royalty free songs. Enjoy."

That youtube, always fuckin' with the videos...

Not too long ago, I went back to watch that "Straight to Video" video again, 'cause hey - I was in the mood to listen to MSI, why not watch an awesome video??

And then I noticed...

Sexy Sax Man.

This guy, Sergio Flores, apparently helped inspire the SNL digital short, "The Curse" (this was probably the beginning, but you have to admit Andy Samberg brings a certain something in the SNL video). Hilarious video; I think MikeDiva's is beast.

But then, today, I noticed that MikeDiva actually directed one of Mindless Self-Indulgence's more recent videos. I must be way the fuck behind the times, because it's apparently from 2009. =|  Gotta working on getting ahead of those fuckin' Jones's.

But anyway, this MikeDiva (a.k.a. Mike Dahlquist) guy went from being a runner up in a MSI contest to actually directing one of their videos? And it's a fucking badass video, too. Probably not the best video of mankind, but a pretty good fuckin' video. (And by the way, why do I not have this MSI album...? Why have I not been keeping up with this?! D=<)

Here's the excerpt with some funny behind the scenes footage:

And here's Mindless Self-Indulgence's full video for "I'm on Crack."


Apparently it's by The Left Rights, but msivideo has the rights to the song? Looks like I have a new group to research...!

And apparently Asian people love gum.

So, enough with the videos. Back to the point.

Who the fuck is Mike Dahlquist??

This guy seems to be having TONS OF FUCKING FUN doing what he's magnificently good at, and he's probably making bank because of it. Isn't that what we all want to do? It for sure is what I want to damn do. Why is he so good? He obviously works hard as fuck. Puts up a new video every other Monday? I can hardly write a shitty blog post every day, I can't imagine making a video of the caliber I see on his youtube channel, even if it's only every other week... and to do that while simultaneously directing/co-directing other videos such as this??? Does he, like, pay someone to do all this shit for him???

In my quest to figure out who the fuck Mike Dahlquist is, I came across this Wikipedia page on Michael Dahlquist, where it states Mr. Dahlquist graduated high school the year I was born. Duh, he's older, that's why he's so fucking smart and successful. But he looks so young! Eh, must be the crazy stuff he wears.  Yep... he was in a band... Yep, he could talk his way into an imaging software job... Yep, it totally makes sense he's from Seattle.

Wait.  He died in a car accident in 2005!


That's not the fucking Mike Dahlquist I was looking for!


I want to know who the fuck Mike Dahlquist is!

I do, however, think it's funny that the picture on MikeDiva's website is of him bleeding in the middle of the street, perhaps playing off the death of the other semi-famous person I ran into with the same name. Sweet and dark and funny all at the same time. =D

Maybe someday I'll get around to asking Mike who the fuck he thinks he is, or watch all his videos, or look on his MySpace page. (Fuck MySpace, I'm so over that shit. Although my MySpace page is still up. I should delete that someday.).

Fyi~ We didn't get that Tiny House. Didn't even get to see it! =(  Someone bought it with cash for the full asking price the night before we were going to take the 2-hour drive to see it. Dammit. At least I woke up early today?

I still need to do my fucking taxes.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pyzam Layout Poll

The results of the poll are in, so here's a Pyzam layout!

  • 66% of voters voted 'yes' for Pyzam layouts
  • Two people voted 'maybe'
  • And one person voted 'no'

My apologies go out to the person who voted 'no,' and also to Nebberz, who was not included in the selection process.

Even better news is that this isn't permanent! I like it, but not that much. Only slightly more than the Blogger layout I had before. Having any sort of default layouts just grates against the essence of my being. Pre-made layouts... okay they still grate against the essence of my being, but not as much. 

I was going to make the layouts the same on Technicolor Typecast and TTD (Technicolor Typecast Daily) in order to have some continuity, but... I'd like to keep TT a little bit more... clean, I suppose? We're strange and dirty here at TTD. =D

So, if you have any suggestions for layouts in the interim, suggest away! (That means you, too, Nebberz ;)


This weekend: 
  • I have to work on a post for TT about our self-reliant community group
  • Work on a post about Life Dollars
  • Work all day Satuday
  • Come up for air on Saturday only to take Big T (that's our 7-year-old) to his basketball game (which, by the way, NBA 2K11 seems to be helping a lot!)
  • Go pay a visit to the Tiny Home we are possibly going to buy (yay!)

wow, this pyzam layout disabled the commenting system somehow. that's really lame. well, I'll have to work on fixing that then.... If you need to leave a comment, you can always do so on technicolortypecast.blogspot.com.

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Lesson in Selling Yourself

I'm sick of having days off.  That sounds funny, doesn't it?

I look forward to my days off... days where I can do whatever I want and I don't have to be late for anything!


Putting such high expectations (haha, those aren't very high expectations) on my days off seems to usually make them more of a let-down.

My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday, and of course I didn't write anything. I was sick the whole weekend. =(

But in good news, I got a response on the house! 

Um, what? I offer a little over half of the purchase price, and they even responded?

I must say I sold our family pretty well. It turns out they are also vegetarian unschoolers... 3 kids and their parents living in 300 square feet! They really support the Tiny House movement, especially for families, and we definitely fit the bill.

There are 2 other seriously interested parties though, and I imagine they are offering more money than we are.  So who knows if we get it. My heart's not set on it, but I am still really excited that we might get it. Even though it's so small. It's just exciting. =D

Lesson Learned

Be yourself and don't be afraid to let people know!  Some people won't be interested and may respond negatively, but there's a good chance that it's worth it for the amount of positive that comes out if you're patient.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Made an offer on a Tiny House

Well, we made an offer on a tiny house last night. They are asking $19,500 OBO, but we offered $12,000 plus bartering/being awesome in general. It's a little tinier than we would like at about 300 square feet (LOL yes we might be insane), but there is a matching shed that adds another 100 square feet or so and maybe we can use that as an office. =D

it's pretty cute!
king size loft above; bathroom to the left; small bed to the right
front door on the left; kitchen on the right; another king-sized loft

It's north of Seattle though (we are currently thoroughly enjoying an hour south of Sea-town)... and it's in a trailer park. =|  But apparently it's a tiny trailer park (meaning, not too many trailers), and there's a pretty good view of Puget Sound.

We would have free rent on the land if we agreed to do some basic grounds-keeping and we would have free access to a laundry room as long as we keep it clean. WIN!

Yes, that is a pretty big drawback to this "RV," there's no washer/dryer unit. But, hey, possibly $12,000 and we OWN A HOME.... it's a start at least. =)

Oh, right, I suppose it bears mentioning that we are trying to get away from money. We are purposely low-income. It's a little bit of a struggle sometimes, but I think it's important for remembering what's really important in life. Maybe it's just a phase in our life and our kids are "lucky" enough to go along for the ride.

Living in a trailer park... I'm not that excited about though. Even though the house is built on a trailer, I don't really feel like it's actually a trailer. It's a tiny house, which is decidedly more epic.

A *Tiny House,* NOT a trailer ;)

The ultimate goal is to own land, move the trailer there, and maybe experiment with an earth bag home or a Mongolian ger, or even building another house from scratch with recycled/local materials. =D

Earthbag Home

Outside of a Mongolian ger
But this is probably all wishful thinking, because I doubt we will get the tiny house anyway - I found it because the Tiny House Blog posted the Craigslist ad on Facebook! So I'm sure we have a lot of competition willing to spend more money. =)

STEP 1:  Create Blog
STEP 2:  ???
STEP 3:  Profit!

I didn't make a post here on the Daily blog yesterday because I was busy making a post for the other blog, Technicolor Typecast. Perhaps I should have just made a post and linked it, but that is in the past now, so too bad. =)  I've been very busy doing ???