Sunday, September 11, 2011

Music Monday :: dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip - "The Beat That My Heart Skipped"

When I first heard dan le sac vs Scroobius Pip, I didn't want to like them. I believe I was listening to Saul Williams radio on, and a lot of spoken word artists kept coming up. I like spoken word, but I can only take so much of it, you know? That, and I didn't really like the sound of Scroob's voice at first, I guess. But I got over that FAST - the words that came out of his mouth are more than worth it. Not that he's a spoken word artist. But really any sort of rap or hip-hop is not much more than spoken word, is it? It's not really singing...

Anyway, I am far from a pro on music, I just really like listening to it.

I'll just let this song speak for itself. If you like it, listen to more! "Thou Shalt Always Kill" and "Introdiction" are a couple I suggest. :D


  1. I kinda like posting Music Mondays when it's not Monday XD

  2. The song was pretty good, and i liked the guy right from the get go because his beard looks like mine.

  3. His voice is a bit on the weird side, but you get used to it pretty fast if you pay attention to the right stuff. It's kinda like some alternate form of hip-hop, he's real good. Me likey!

  4. You've exposed me to something new! Thank you! I thought it was great!

  5. I'm surprised to say that I like it. :3

  6. The song was cool, and the beard did sell me on the awesome.

  7. Love this track, never seen this video before though, thanks for sharing.

  8. I love spoken word. I need to check out that station.

  9. Hi, nice that you found my blog, i follow you via twitter ^^

  10. Nah, not really my cup of tea. But I *love* the beard. :D

  11. An interesting mix, this!

    Meh, I'll label it under "good find" and fave.

    Y'know, if we're talking about screw-mixes and such, if you ever come across U2 Versus Lyrics Born, "Calling All Sunday," hit me up with the link to that yeah? I can't find it ANYWHERE on Youtube, for some reason...and I really wanted to post that up recently on Soothe.

  12. Haha sweet!
    Come check me out =)

  13. Not bad at all. He jams pretty solid for an Amish guy.

  14. I love Music Monday's...even though today is Friday. I guess I should have been here on Monday. But still! I dig the beard AND the song!
