Katt Williams Stand-Up - Every Day I'm Hustlin'
So, I think the decision to make blog(s) was a pretty fuckin good (PFG) idea. I'm constantly sprouting with ideas of blog posts... oh, if only I could just get them all out onto the screen. I'm not having a hard time writing, I'm having a hard time finding time to write.
Every day, man. Every day.
I slacked on this blog yesterday. But to my credit, I did make a post on the other: How TV Ruined Your Life.
For some reason, I didn't really think blogging would be a part-time job, LOL. If I want to be successful at it, however, it IS. Especially with me being a bit of a perfectionist. It's a good opportunity to hone my skills though -- realize that getting something done with flaws is better than not getting anything done at all. The world moves too fast to be perfect. Ideas spread like wildfire. I love being on the cusp of things. And I love being part of it.
On having a successful blog/living your passion, I read a couple of articles and watched a couple of videos today. I'm excited to share them!!!
I've been reading a lot about finance and entrepreneurship (holy fuck, I spelled that right, first try), despite my marked disinterest in becoming rich and powerful. These people don't just share mindless drivel about dollar signs, surprisingly... although they do talk some. I think the insight that I find is worth sifting through the (shockingly few) superiority complexes.
Fred is a venture capitalist in NYC, and recently in his blog he shared a little personal story on how Risk and Reward are Not Obvious (a commenter or two suggested the title should have read: Follow Your Heart, Not the Money!) It's a pretty good post, but the real gold is in the comments. I'm just going to share some of the stuff I liked:
Alex shared a quote:
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
JLM says:
One of the most exciting things about life is the myriad of choices and interesting things one can invest their own time and capital in.I think we all have 5-7 "careers" in us if we are willing to follow our instincts and roll the dice.This is enhanced by the further opportunity to do if for others, or to do it with others or to do it on your own. It is further flavored by whether you are single, married or have a family. This is a huge impact on how we view the world. Each phase of our lives can be new, refreshing, energizing and rewarding.
Charlie Crystle says:
If you do what you love, risk becomes palatable. What hasn't been palatable to me is working on someone else's vision or passion, despite the offers and opportunities, even though that would make parts of life a lot smoother. I've become passionate about reducing noise in daily life, and the reward is the daily progress and knowledge that I'll help people in some way through the work.
Matthew A. Myers points out:
Money's just a concept. Money is just people's time. :)
LIAD exquisitely puts it:
No-one on their death bed ever wished they had chosen to earn more money at the expense of a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
FAKE GRIMLOCK (the giant robot dinosaur) is rather insightful:
Fooducate quoted a Robert Frost poem:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
bwertz says:
I always thought that the best way to take decision was to follow your passion and do what you really wanted to do - the monetary aspect usually follows.
Another fantastic quote from Pascal Emmanuel-Gobry:
"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." -- Douglas Adams (of Hitchhiker's Guide fame)
There are many other great comments, but I'm going to end with the video that pankaj013 shared: Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech. Whatever your feelings on Steve Jobs, he didn't even graduate college, and he's speaking to STANFORD graduates. Wow. It's pretty funny how he basically tells them they have wasted so much time already, lol. Great speech, though... especially the first 5 minutes.
I like the dinosaur comment.