Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Music Monday :: Official Unofficial Review of Confessions of a Lunatic Pope - The Soundtrack

Why not review? A better introduction goes here. >_< TIME!!!!!

think i am going to make this face when i take pictures from now on

Buy it! (Might be on Amazon too? Not sure?) Or just listen online! Find the other songs at!! :D

Favorite song on the CD!
Halt Production and Consumption by Tim Bowen

1. "12 21 2012" 3 Inch Giants
Really like the first 20 seconds.

2. "Fiends" Crucial Sufi Project
aarrrrgh chicken patty chicken patty chicken patty

3. "Crucial Sufi VS Parson's Brown" Thee Temple OV Thee Dog
One of my favorites on the album. ^_^ Favorite lyric: "That was crucial, brah" or maybe that part where whoever is singing makes guitar sounds. :D

4. "Mandie Said" Bad Spelling and Grammar
I forgot. Oh, wait- this is the one that I think I avoid because I think it's going to curse me. Not that it sounds like a curse. XD

5. "Brain DamnAge" Bad Spelling and Grammar
This reminds me of a song that emo Jim Morrison would write. :D

6. "The Day 9-11" Parson's Brown Project
I can't remember. :( It would help if I could listen to the CD while I type but we can't have everything, now can we?

7. "Halt Production and Consumption" Baba Ku
My absolute favoritest favoritest song on the album. I love the riff!!! I don't even know what the lyrics are but if I listen I would probably like them according to the title. :D

8. "Bluegrass and Sorcery" Baba Ku
Baba Ku is my favoritest band on the album*. This is isn't one of my favorite songs on the album but I still enjoy listening to it. Of all the bands, Baba Ku definitely has the most solid sound on the album, I think. :D

9. "Gonna Shovel Rice" Bad Spelling and Grammar
This one seriously rivals #7, I really freaking love it. It needs to be in a video if it is not already.

10. "Freemasons Make it out of Human Bones" 3 Inch Giants
It's so that you don't cough when you've got a cold. Yup. :D

11. "Al Pacino" Parson's Brown Project
This is another rival of #7 (and #9). I have to skip this song when my kids are around though because *whispers* there are bad words. :O  I really love it though. "Huah!!" Whoever does vocals for Parson's Brown Project seems really fun and energetic. :D Even though I am totally blanking on #6. That is so weird.

12. "Inbetween Vacuumings" 3 Inch Giants
Huh, I kind of remember this song, but it's going the way of #6 in my head. :/

13. "Lovecraftian Experience at the Cracker Barrel" 3 Inch Giants
One of the most catchy songs on the album. Not one of the best, or one of my favorites, but I find it playing in my head after I listen to the soundtrack. And I don't think it's because it's the last song, because usually the CD loops so it's not usually the last one I listen to. I'm not mad about it though. :D

*I just looked through the Pope's posts and apparently Baba Ku opened for Kimya Dawson! What!!! I was just talking about her! :D

Saturday, November 19, 2011


So I thought I'd make a post about what I'm doing #rightnow.

Oh yeah, I used hashtags in a blog post, I'm cool.

So, I wanted to listen to the Lunatic Pope's CD. D4 pointed out that PCs usually have CD drives (thank you, captain obvious :D), and while we have 2 PCs on in the house (what a waste of energy, considering no one ever uses one of them - it's just on so the printer will work XD) - the one we don't use doesn't have any headphones or speakers hooked up and the other one Nebberz has been using to play Skyrim (and plus it's in the living room and I wasn't really sure if it would be kid-friendly). And yes I do mainly use a netbook. Although I do have an external disc drive I could use... but that sounds like a lot of work. :)

I escaped the house alone to listen in the car, and then go write this blog post somewhere! XD Then I re-realized that I actually like listening to amateur musicians. I like imagining them in their garages or next to the computers just rockin' out, and it's just so freakin' cute. Most of the time.
I'll write a preliminary review for my next post. ^_^

I got off-topic on the "right now" stuff though.

So, it's not quite as "right now" as a live feed I guess. More like "recently happened." But really you don't come to Blogger to get instant updates anyway, that's what social networking is for. By the way, why don't you follow me on Twitter? There's a widget over there somewhere with clickables --->

Speaking of Twitter, the LovelyZena is like the only person who keeps me coming back to Twitter because she tags me and responds to me occasionally. But I'm awkward so I respond to her responses by mentioning her on my blog. I actually found here here on Blogger though. She's got the awesomest blog evar: She's the Real Queen of Horror. Go follow and comment her because she's cute! :D

So I've been spending a lot of time on Instagram, collecting followers for some strange reason. Just seems like fun, I suppose. Maybe an ego boost. At this moment, I am perhaps more narcissistic than I've ever been. Overall, I'm still not very narcissistic; it's just to the extent of my photos. Boy, my confidence is boosted though. XD

Anyway, I love the #rightnow aspect of Instagram. I love pictures. I love perspectives. And, I dunno, there's just something cool about knowing what your friends are looking at #rightnow. It makes you feel connected. Even though you're not. And maybe you should really be connected and not just use technology to make you feel less alone. But that's what it's therefore isn't it? That's why everyone has it! Maybe. And not that any more than 1/4 of pictures posted on there were actually taken that very second.

Right, digressing again.

Onto pictures I posted to Instagram #rightnow (30 minutes ago).

That's right, I take pictures alone in grocery store bathrooms and post them on the internet.
U mad?

I decided to go to Safeway, a grocery store for those of you who don't know, because they have a Starbucks and wifi in there. And this Safeway is on the hill, where are the stuck-up people go to shop. Not that they are the most stuck up people I've ever encountered, this is the Pacific Northwest, after all.

I hate Safeway. They have shitty prices, shitty produce, and a shitty selection. They do a really good job of looking pristine and perfect though. They would have a Starbucks. Doesn't like every store have a Starbucks now though?

I got some hipster zen green tea and a piece of banana bread from the Barbie Doll Barista. Not a pretty new exciting Barbie Doll, mind you, just... notably plastic. She presented herself as personality-less and preoccupied with herself. But she wasn't overly rude or anything. I don't really like going to these sorts of places, or supporting them. I like friendly community places with nice people. But how would I get blog posts done there? The group of popular teenagers who were sitting next to me, being all cute and teenager-y (I used to despise teenagers, but now, probably because of my newfound narccissism and ego boosting, I think they're cute.) was much less of a distraction than people I'm genuinely interested in and want to get to know better would be at the bestest underground elitist coffee shops. And even less of a distraction than that parenthetical remark and confusing verbiage.

I love my hipster food & beverage though. I'm such an elitist about food.

There's the cute little Starbucks, behind the derp scratching his lotto tickets. I kinda wanna get into candid photography. This is actually my best candid, street-photographyish shot so far, I think. ^_^

This is the perfect place for me to give a shout out to one of my favorite people to follow on Instagram, the Candid Camera Man. He posts awesome photos he takes of strangers on the street and gives awesome advice to help others make awesome photos, too. What a cool dude.

Well, I'm out of stuff to write. :) Hope you enjoyed my #rightnow photos that are already like an hour old. >_<


Friday, November 18, 2011

Music Monday :: Sage Francis - "The Best of Times"

Saw on the lovely Twitter just now that today's Sage Francis's birthday. So I will post one of my favorite songs, which just happens to be performed by him. Not to mention written by him, I imagine.

Only-Children Unite!


Well, Nebberz and I got married last week on 11/11/11! It was absolutely mind-blowing to us. We actually have had to take a break to just calm down for like a whole week. Okay, I'm probably exaggerating. (I'm not supposed to tell you that, am I?) It was really awesome though. <3

Maybe I'll make a post on it. I definitely need to make some moar posts on for all the people who donated but weren't able to be there.

Oh and also received the CD from the Lunatic Pope's giveaway! It came with 2 books and some Pope cards. :D Awesome. I'll have to make a post about that, too. And listen to the CD. I realized I don't have CD players around all ready for me to play CDs on. CDs are so 90s. ^_~

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Music Monday :: Hollyweerd "I Wanna Meet Her"

I listen to more than just hip hop and electronic music, I swear!

I found out about Hollyweerd from Adult Swim's ATL Remix album. You can listen to and download the whole thing here!

I really, really, really love their song, "Weerdo," and I think you should go listen to it (it's the last song on the playlist here, but you can find it on youtube, or buy it from Hollyweerd somewhere, or whatev.)

But, I came across the video below, and I love their live performance. I wanna go to a show like this. Have you been to any shows like this??? I need to go see more music! <3

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I'm not that much of a Redditor (If I visited Reddit any more than casually a couple times a month, I would live there.), but Nebberz wanted to show me the top story just now, AESOP ROCK AMA.

i don't know what day it is, either

Of course, we love Aesop Rock, we love Blockhead, we love Atmosphere. ET CETERA.

So I found out, he has been working with KIMYA DAWSON. This chick that I kinda but not really hang out with a few times a year. Alright, our kids play together. Alright, they don't actually because they're not the same age or gender but ARGHGHGHG. We have a mutual friend who was like "She doesn't want anyone to know this, but she just won a Grammy." And so of course I'm EXTRA AWKWARD around her because OMG SHE'S FAMOUSE. Dammit, Wendy, why did you tell me!? LOL

Who's Kimya Dawson, you say? I dunno, you guys might have heard of The Moldy Peaches and Juno, and that cute little song that she & Adam sang called "Anyone Else But You." If that's not familiar, you must live under a rock or something, I dunno.

she is ridiculously cute in person

Anyway - Kimywa Dawson - *thumbs up* I mean, I overheard her on the phone talking about designing her own socks to sell.


Everyone should check out what she's doing, now. And throw money at her.

And Aesop Rock.

And Busdriver.

I made another post on Instagram (I'm an IG-aholic, I'm telling you) about Flash Bang Grenada (10 Haters is my absolute new favorite album btw, everyone buy it. Or download it. Or search for it on youtube.) and SOMEONE TAGGED BUSDRIVER. So, if he checks his "news" my little picture will be there and, oh jeez, I am so shy. *hides*

It's nice though, maybe I can be an artist, and just never go back to work for THE MAN. If playing video games and making pictures counts as artistry...? I feel like my pinkie toe is getting in the door, and I know Tacoma is not the new-hip-now town, but I'm SOOO EXCITED to just be able to live downtown, somewhere close to music.

Anyway, just had to vent my frustration at being SOCLOSE to these awesome, awesome people. But of course I am only surrounding myself with awesome people. How else can I expect to be awesome?

My Greatest Fear Is Not That I Am Inadequate

I've been having too much fun with Instagram lately. Here is a simple edit that I did. I like it a lot. <3

poor colossus. i'm sorry D':

Wedding on Friday, moving after that sometime. Thanksgiving. Will I make it to the end of the month?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

VLOG :: Starcraft 2 and Us - All Messed Up

Hope everybody had a Happy Halloween. We didn't really do anything, life is just so >>error<< We can't wait to move. But it was Halloween, I couldn't NOT dress up. So I did. But then I had nowhere to go, nothing to do. So, Nebberz and I decided to play SC2. He's really going to like this me-doing-gaming-videos thing. I haven't played any games at all for like 2 years; I've just been so busy with the baby, and the place we live. Can't wait to go minimalist. I hope it works out.

Without further ado, here is a messed up video. I don't even know how this happened. It wasn't doing that on the screen, but it's how it saved. Also there's no audio. I've never really made videos. I have no idea what I'm doing. HALP

OH HEY ALSO I WON THE LUNATIC POPE'S GIVEAWAY!!! Oh yeah, I win his CD, and you don't, neener neener. Check him out, he's an awesome dude :D

I wish I could be better about following you guys :'( We're supposed to move this month sometime, not sure if it will get better anytime soon. BUT after that, SCHEDULES.