Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Abandoned Castles, The Three Musketeers, and Buddy the Dog

Schossberger Castle, built in 1883, is in the middle of a 25-acre park in Tura, Hungary. I don't understand how castles get abandoned. It's a castle.

Alexander Dumas, author of The Three Musketeers (first published in a magazine in 1844 and available in its entirety here), which is a good book to read for acquiring a good vocabulary and improving good communication skills, so I hear.

Buddy, the dog in Full House, was the same dog who played Air Bud.  Maybe we should care more about canine actors.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Photo Transmission 14 June 2013

{begin transmission}
Hay guise! Have some pictures!!!

wizard monk baby
evil scientists

my friend fishbone mcrotten went to ireland and sent me ALL of the postcards, which turned out to just be one. guess there is a postcard shortage or somethin.

Bin tracked down some found art from Family Teeth 
we had a really awesome date at Point Defiance with some Rieme lemonade with a moon pie from the local bakery

{end transmission}